Sean Campbell, Communication Assistant
(607) 257-9699 x9929

ITHACA, NY…Finger Lakes ReUse, a not-for-profit organization committed to turning waste into resources through reuse, is pleased to announce free family-friendly events during Spring break on Wednesday, April 17th and Thursday, April 18th at Ithaca ReUse Center (214 Elmira Road, Ithaca NY). As always. Finger Lakes ReUse’s stores will be open all week, 10 am – 6 pm Mon – Sat, 10 am – 5 pm Sun.

On Wednesday April 17th, there will be two showings of the Walt Disney/Pixar 2008 animated film WALL-E at 10:30 am and 3pm.  The 2008 Academy Award-winning film about a waste-collecting robot in the future has strong themes about sustainability, consumerism and reuse. At 5 pm directly following the film, local musician Remanu Panther ( will premiere his song, “ReUse”.  

On Thursday, April 18th from 10 am to 12 pm,  Finger Lakes ReUse will host a Kids Fix Workshop where volunteers from the Ithaca Fixers Collective will help children (5 & up) fix toys or small electronics that they bring in.  There will also be hands-on demonstrations on the use of basic tools and kids will have a chance to take things apart. Volunteers from the Ithaca Fixers Collective hope to encourage children in attendance to think about the value of their toys and show them that there are other options beyond the landfill.

All events are free and open to everyone. Parental supervision is required at all events.

About Finger Lakes ReUse

Finger Lakes ReUse is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization operating two convenient ReUse Centers, open daily to the public, in an effort to expand the reuse of materials, provide job training opportunities, create living-wage jobs; improve the local standard of living, and teach repair and reuse skills. ReUse builds community, strengthens the local economy, and protects the environment by redirecting materials away from landfills and into productive reuse. For more information, visit

About Remanu Panther

Remanu Steele, the group’s organizer, has performed music in many communities all across New York from the largest concert hall at Cornell University to the Dance Tent at Finger Lakes Grassroots Festival of Music and Dance. With rap, spoken word, trumpeting, Remanu weaves together beats, melodies, and the importance of conscience. He recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for the first music album about improving farming, gardening, and food markets in America, featuring local and touring musicians. Learn more at