Finger Lakes ReUse, our Deconstruction Services, the eCenter, our ReSET job training program, and ReUse Materials Access Program would not be possible without the committed vision, effort, and support of many dedicated community members and organizations, especially :
Tompkins County Recycling and Materials Management, the Appalachian Regional Commission, Park Foundation, Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, Triphammer Development, and Empire State Development, Ithaca College, Triad Foundation, the Community Foundation of Tompkins County, Cornell University, New York Council of Nonprofits, The Howland Foundation as administered by the Community Foundation, the Erin Aljoe Schlather Dedicated Memorial Fund of the Community Foundation, the Today and Tomorrow Fund of the Community Foundation, the Collective Impact Fund of the Community Foundation, the Kathy Yoselson Fierce Determination Fund of the Community Foundation, the Lane Family Fund of the Community Foundation, the Women’s Fund of the Community Foundation, the Legacy Foundation of Tompkins County, Stone Soup Philanthropy Corps administered by the United Way, the United Way’s Youth & Philanthropy fund, Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency, Alternatives Federal Credit Union, the Sunshine Lady Foundation, the City of Ithaca, Challenge Workforce Solutions, New York State Pollution Prevention Institute, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Tompkins County Area Development, Stream Collaborative, Claudia Brenner Design, Tompkins Trust Company, Jason Demarest Architect, The Sustainability Center, Cascade Alliance, Tompkins County Small Business Development Center, John Novarr Managing Director of Grand Cheese LLC, CObP Design, Words Into Deeds, Tompkins County Summer Youth Employment Program, Ithaca Murals, ICS, in addition to generous individual support from all of our board members and many others, and evolving collaborations with existing reuse, human service, educational and other community programs. Thank you, community!